I found this great site on couponing the other day. Jill Cataldo is a real coupon queen. She makes me look really bad with the deals she gets. She was able to get almost $100 worth of groceries for less than $10!!! Isn't that crazy!!! I can only dream about getting that good of deals! But at least it is something to strive for.
Jill has classes in the Chicago area where she teaches super couponing I, II, and III, so if you are in the Midwest, check out her free classes. I would love to teach classes like this in my area, I just don't know if there would be enough interest in classes. Maybe I should look into that.
Jill has been featured on many news shows and in many article (look under the In The Media section in the right hand column). There's some really nice video of her getting tons of groceries for cheap!!! The website also has tons of great information about couponing and even has a forum where you can talk to other coupon users.
Go visit her at http://jillcataldo.com/