I was surprised that they are not charging us a fee to downgrade, since I know I have had to pay this before, but that is good. We really don't need to spend anymore money, but I was prepared to if need be. One $30 charge is in the long run cheaper than keeping the digital cable.
We also have internet, but we won't be getting rid of that any time soon. My husband and I both need it in order to look up jobs, pay bills online, etc. Plus I think I would not adjust well to not having internet. I could care less about tv (especially since there's quite a bit of tv shows online, including Heroes!) since there really is never anything on anyways. Many of the major networks have their shows online and you can check out Hulu.com to find older movies.
By reducing our cable we are going from $107 a month down to $55!! Over $50! That is an awesome savings. Plus, my family will no longer be watching as much tv. So, that is an advantage too. I did tape a bunch of the little ones' favorite shows (the ones that are on Nick JR and Playhouse Disney). Plus we have a bunch of movies they can watch, like Bolt and Cars. They will also be able to still watch PBS and there are some really good shows on there. WordWorld and SuperWhy are favorites in this house. Of course, Sesame Street is right up there too, along with Curious George. PBS has certainly improved its childrens' programming, even since my older son was little (and he just turned 11).
So, if you are looking at a way to cut your expenses this one way. You could also cancel it all together if you don't watch it anyways.
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