Friday, July 17, 2009

All You Grocery Challenge Daily Roundup


Thursday - Day 4

Cereal again. We have a lot of cereal that I got CHEAP! So, we ate that. We still haven't gotten to the store yet to pick up oatmeal at Aldi's. I am hoping to get there sometime this weekend. We had blueberries with our breakfast.


Ham and cheese sandwiches on homemade bread with a banana.

Tonight was leftover night, since we had a bunch of food in the fridge. I hate when leftovers go bad. No reason not to get them eaten up. So, the little kids and hubby ate leftover mac n cheese with broccoli, my older son and I had leftover pizza. We had jello with fruit cocktail in it for dessert.


1 comment:

  1. LOL about the cereal! I am ONE person - so WHY do I buy 3 or 4 boxes of cereal whenever it goes on sale??? I have enough Cheerios to feed a small country! :-)
