If you want to save money on groceries, meal planning is key. Every weekend I plan out my meals for the next week. When I have my menu planned for the week, I save money and I save time. I share it with you, to give you ideas of how we eat on a limited budget. Hopefully, this inspires you to plan your own menu for the week.
This is going to be a tough week. I went back to work today and hubby is home with the kids. That means that he will be doing the cooking. So, I am 100% sure that the meal plan will not be strictly adhered too. I can dream though, can't I? Here is my meal plan for this week:
- Monday
- Breakfast - pancakes (leftover from dinner Saturday), fruit
- Lunch - canned pasta, fruit
- Dinner - panninis, green beans and pudding
- Breakfast - pancakes (leftover from dinner Saturday), fruit
- Tuesday
- Breakfast - cereal / oatmeal, fruit
- Lunch - peanut butter and jelly on homemade bread, fruit
- Dinner - we are going to my mom's as soon as I get out of work, so we will either eat with her or go out to eat down where she lives
- Breakfast - cereal / oatmeal, fruit
- Wednesday
- Breakfast - strawnana muffins (made a few days ago and froze), fruit
- Lunch - grilled cheese, fruit
- Dinner - ham steak, veggie, maybe a potato or pasta salad?
- Breakfast - strawnana muffins (made a few days ago and froze), fruit
- Thursday
- Breakfast -cinnamon toast on homemade bread, fruit
- Lunch - dinner leftovers, fruit
- Dinner - cheeseburgers on grill, corn on cob, maybe a side?
- Breakfast -cinnamon toast on homemade bread, fruit
- Friday
- Breakfast - cereal / oatmeal, fruit
- Lunch - canned pasta, fruit
- Dinner - homemade sloppy joes, tater tots, pudding or jello
- Breakfast - cereal / oatmeal, fruit
- Saturday
- Breakfast - fake quiches, fruit
- Lunch - peanut butter and jelly on homemade bread, fruit
- Dinner - leftovers
- Breakfast - fake quiches, fruit
- Sunday
- Breakfast - homemade waffles, eggs and toast
- Lunch - grilled cheese, fruit
- Dinner - tuna casserole with peas (I will make a double batch and freeze one), fruit dessert
- Breakfast - homemade waffles, eggs and toast
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